
Pet Melding

  1. Melding can be done in Pokari City at the Ancestral Forge.
  2. Melding consumes Spirit and has a service charge.
  3. Melding requires a character of LV 30 or above and and two Pets; a target pet and a source pet.
  4. The higher the level of your Pet, the greater the chance of a successful Meld.

Upgrading Attributes

  • Possible Results of Melding
    • Failure
      • The target pet's max Life is reduced by 5,000, the source pet is consumed and the times the target pet has Melded remains unchanged.
      • System tells you that the Melding failed.
    • Common Success
      • Target pet's level drops to 1 and the source pet is consumed.
      • Target pet's attributes are improved.
      • System tells you that the Melding was successful.
    • Great Success
      • Target pet's level drops to 1 and the source pet is consumed.
      • Target pet's attributes are improved.
      • System tells you that the Melding was a great success.

Improvements from Melding

  • Target pet's base attributes and Growth Rates will be increased.
  • Unless the process fails, no deductions to attributes will happen.
  • The more times a pet is Melded, the lower the bonuses to attributes and Growth Rates.

Changes to Pet's Gender

  • Male + Male = 100% Male
  • Female + Female =100% Female
  • Male + Female =50% Male and 50% Female

Attitude Evolution (Combat-Oriented Pet Only)

  • Fierce, Cautious, and Bright pets may have their Attitudes changed through Melding.
    • Fierce pets could evolve into Fearless and Potent pets.
    • Cautious pets could evolve into Sensible and Wild pets.
    • Bright pets could evolve into Passionate and Pious pets
    • Normal pets will not have an Attitude Evolution.
  • The more the Melded Times, the easier the pet will have Attitude Evolution.

Appearance Inheritance and Mutation

  • About Appearance:
    • Each pet has its own distinctive appearance.
    • Through Melding, pets can acquire a new appearance and its corresponding traits.
  • Possible Appearance Changes:
    • The new pet has a 100% chance to inherit target pet's appearance and its distinctive skills.
    • The new pet has a 100% chance to inherit source pet's appearance and its distinctive skills.
    • The new pet has a 50% chance to inherit target or source pet's appearance and its distinctive skills respectively.
    • The new pet can have an appearance mutation, resulting in an appearance different from both the target pet's and the source pet's.
  • Details:
    • In the first Melding, the new pet will inherit target pet's appearance.
    • In the second Melding, the new pet has a 50% chance to inherit target pet's or source pet's appearance respectively.
    • From the third Melding, the new pet would be more likely to have appearance mutations.

EXP Modification
New pets typically inherit the target pet's EXP modifications.
The more times a pet is melded, however, the more likely the new pet will not retain EXP modifications.

Pet Skills

  1. In the first three Melds, the new pet will fully inherit the target pet's skills unless Appearance Mutation happens.
  2. From the fourth Melding on, the new pet will have a chance to forget some of target pet's skills. The more times the pet is Melded, the higher the chance that the new pet will forget some of the target pet's skills.
  3. An inherited skill will be unavailable if the skill's level is higher than the new pet's level.

Skill Slots

  • When target pet's skill slot amount is equal to source pet's, no changes will happen to new pet's skill slots.
  • Generally the new pet inherits target pet's skill slot amount when target pet's skill slot amount is unequal t source pet's. However, as the Melded Times value grows, situations below would happen:
    • When target pet has more skill slots than source pet the new pet will have 1 less skill slot than the target pet.
    • When target pet has less skill slots than source pet, the new pet will have 1 more skill slot than the target pet.

Element Predilection

  • The new pet will not receive Element Predilections if the target pet does not have any.
  • If the target pet has an Element Predilection:
    • Pets of Normal Attitude will have a random Element Predilection after Melding.
    • Pets of other Attitudes will inherit target pet's Element Predilection.

Other Rules

  1. The new pet's Condition, Belly, and Mood will be the average of the target pet's and source pet's.
  2. The new pet will have reduced maximum Life.
  3. The new pet will inherit the target pet's Fuse Bonuses, as well as having its level reset to 1.
  4. The 'Melded Times' increases by 1 after a successful Melding.
  5. The new pet will inherit target pet's Marriage status, EXP Ratio, Identification status, and Skill Comprehension setting.
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